Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Well ....while the droves of university students are lined up at the Irish times, to get their Guiness and thier green beer; I am sitting here sober, and anitcipating my ANTM fix! 7 years and I am still not sick of Tyra, for me though the photo shoots are my favorite part of the show. I spent the past 3 cycles watching it with Jay, this cycle he has an out, he now spends his Wednsdays at a jam night at the tudor house!
Have a safe and happy st.patricks day everyone!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Funniest Photo ever

I laughed for a long time when I stumbled across this "hot dog" on the web!! Speaks totally for itself, I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Sounds good to me

Monday, March 8, 2010

another funny from the web

Meanwhile I freak out about a few snow flakes in March!!!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Spring has arrived!!

Shall I dare say it???? SPRING IS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How glorious it is too might I add! Coudln't have come at a better time for me too, I was starting to get really down with all that has been going on in my life. Time to dust off the gardening tools and get out into my yard! Happy spring everyone!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


So we finally got around to renting 2012, its not our usually movie rental style but what the heck. 2012 has been a topic of conversation between the two of us, since we met, and there is no better way to get a laugh than watch an overly Americanized enactment of the subject. I believe we gave the movie not a boo, but a double boo, super cheese award. It was bad, really really bad; and way to over the top. The graphics were corny and looked almost cartoon like at times, there was almost NO story line. In fact they really didn't dive to far into why the earth was falling apart, or any of the myths behind 2012. I guess if you are a just sit back and enjoy the ride kind of person you might enjoy this movie. I on the other hand prefer things to be more realistic and have better dialogue!!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Back home

Home now from another exhausting trip to the old GRiv, and I am not to sure how I truly feel about being home. Leaving my poppa was so hard, I know he needs time to be alone to grieve, but at the same time, I want to be there to help him around the house.
The service was beautiful, it was lovely to have Dave play the bagpipes to lead my family in and to lead us out. I was so impressed with the lump, he didn't even cry, just stared with a look of determination, almost as if he was trying to figure out a way to get his hands on them! The town really comes together in an event like this, and there are so many people to thank, for all of their hard work. Its really nice too, when they are saying their condolences and you know they are truly heartfelt, for most of them, loved my grandmother as much as we did.
Now that I am home, I have a million chores to do, so I should get off my butt and get to it!

Friday, February 19, 2010

RIP Nathan

Nathan I only new briefly in highschool, but through facebook and a mutal love of photography we reconnected. The world lost a beautiful soul, with an amazing spirit, who had the ability to see things the way very few could. My heart goes out to the family and many many friends Nathan left behind. Cancer sucks.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Another Thursday and another life changing moment for me. My grandmothers journey has come to an end, wrapped in the arms of her soul mate, her beloved husband of 53 beautiful years. Her 4 amazing and strong children at her bedside, with a smile on her face she left this world. I don't know what I feel right now, it is so complicated. Joy, because her pain is gone, and her soul is born again, free to seek a new life, another journey perhaps. Maybe not, maybe she will wait for my grandma to follow, or maybe they will meet again in another lifetime. Great sadness for my grandfather, he has lost his best friend, his soul mate, his wife, the mother of his children, the love of his life. It was truly devastating for me to see the pain in his eyes, while she was fighting the last days of her life.

The whole experience was tragically beautiful, like a well written poem, that moves you deep within your soul, bringing up emotions that are forgotten on a day to day basis. I spent most of my time with her, sitting quiet at her side, memorizing her hands. My grandmothers hands are truly symbolic to me, they represent her strength and her warmth. With those hands she has nursed many people, raised 4 children, grown thousands of beautiful flowers, baked hundreds of pies, knitted countless items, and when ever I was over, those hands would warm my cold feet. I was afraid to go and see her in her final moments, the only other experience I had was with my moms mom, and she was in a coma in the hospital.

It was an entirely different experience, it taught me so much about the strength of my own father, and his siblings. I watched as they took shifts, and came together putting themselves aside. I watched them fall apart, and pick themselves up and do it all over again. I watched them pour coffee after coffee, each cup going cold, chain smoking, praying, pacing, the occasional laugh, the four of them looking beaten and worn. It brought on the realization that one day that will be me, with only my brother to help. It made me wish for more siblings, but that is never going to happen now ;).

Friday, February 5, 2010

Zombie Land

We must be getting old and crusty, because almost everyone we know who watched this movie found it hilarious, I barely even laughed. It may have to do with the fact that the preview for the movie showed most of the best parts (I really hate when they do that). If anyone asks me, I would tell them its good for a watch, but don't expect much. Now if they want a recommendation for a really funny zombie movie, hands down....SHON OF THE DEAD!!! This is a movie I have watched a dozen or so times and still bust a gut each and every time!

Monday, February 1, 2010

RIP Corndog

Well this month started the worst imaginable way possible. It was supposed to be a great month for us, moving into a new place and all. But on the eve of it all I received an email that my buddy Geoff had passed away due to his own hand. Geoff left behind an amazing wife, and a whole city full of great friends. He was talented, generous, ridiculously funny, and a great friend to me. I will always cherish our constant online banter, and forever be grateful that I had the chance to know him. Goodbye buddy, I am gonna miss you.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

screw cancer

I couldn't have said it better myself. Not great news about my grandma's cancer today, cancer sucks. I am angry that it spread so far before anyone noticed, how many other people will health care fail this year? All these Doctors that are way to comfortable with their patients and stop really looking. ERRGGHHH, its frusterating, and it pisses me off.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Great AD

With out fail, everytime I look at this ad I chuckle. Thought you could use a laugh today as well, enjoy!!